Lama Fera Healing
LAMA-FERA is a very powerful healing system practiced by Tibetan Lamas since Hundreds of years. The word “LAMA” means teacher, the Sanskrit word is “GURU”. The word “FERA” means “ROUND” or more specifically around the body with the energy of Lord Buddha. In this healing modality master takes the fera around the body of the student and transfer the divine knowledge, wisdom and healings which empowers the student to take corrective action in his / her life.
LAMA-FERA is considered to be the fastest and a very effective healing technique for physic problems. It helps in removing spirits / negative energies / evil eye from a person and from offices, shops, factories etc. It relieves pressure of thoughts and increases the vital energy of the bodies.
In this system of Lama Fera, the energy of Lord Buddha is channelled through the healer and directed towards the disease or illness. It can help to increase spiritual abilities, relieve pain and discomfort caused by chronic disease, removes unwanted spirits, overcomes fear, anxiety, stress and helps the person to connect with higher self.
Mr. S.K Saini is the founder of this healing technique. Under the divine guidance of Lamashri, ‘‘Mandosa’’ and ‘‘Avdheshji’’, Mr. Saini converted approximately 4,50,000 mantras into 12 powerful symbols for easy understanding and working. He launched the Lama-Fera technique in 1992.
Lama Fera can be practiced to benefit people with the help of 12 symbols. To learn the technique of Lama Fera healing, ample meditation and a genuine interest to help others not only for one-self, is required. This technique is learnt in two phases in order to understand extensively its mystic healing nature
Benefits of Lama- Fera
- Freedom from all kind of Stress and Depression.
- Gives freedom from Anxiety and Fear, helps to ward off evil spirits and negative energy.
- The practice can be used to increase memory and inspire higher levels of concentration through meditation.
- It’s the best treatment for enhancing will power and considered as the best healing treatment for last-stage patients of all diseases.
- It helps to solve the past life issues and get rid off that problem.
- A practitioner can sense the vibrations and feel change in his energy levels.
- Helps clear problems in business, property and health etc.
- Promotes chemical processing of body, muscles, bones, digestive disorders and give strength and radiant energy.
- Direct healing and effect on the root cause of diseases.
- Makes active, alert and self-confident
Hemant Pasrija
Reiki Paradise
Rohini Sector – 7, Delhi
Mon-Sun, 9:30AM – 5:30PM

Reiki Paradise is a Healers sanctum, holding the vintage of 9 years and providing the most divine and effective healing solutions for one’s problems. These healers are fairly equipped to heal various issues ranging from physical illness, emotional problems, relationship problems, financial problems as well as psychic issues in the most immaculate and safest way .